Friday, August 7, 2009

Thank you M. President Obama For recognizing Ahmadinejad As the elected president!!!

Thank you M. President Obama
For recognizing Ahmadinejad
As the elected president!!!
Kasra Irani
August 7, 2009

At the time this letter was under print, Robert Gibbs had declared: “He did not mean to insinuate that the election in Iran was legitimate and fair”. He also added that President Obama "has discussed our goals for reaching out in order to ensure that they don't develop a nuclear weapons program."
Clearly there are plenty of discussions about Iran in the White House. My question is: “Are you on the right pathway Misters?” The rectifying words of Robert Gibbs don’t plainly say if USA recognizes Ahmadinejad or not. This letter might help the authorities of the United States to see the reality of Iran in order to make their historical decision.

M. Obama, your election as the President of the United States fused hope to the heart of millions of people around the world.The world had eyes on you, desiring democracy, freedom and equality, and little by little we could help each other so that the genuine and sincere kind leads the world. Closing the Guantanamo Prison, ending the occupation in Iraq, trying to solve the Palestine - Israel conflict and making efforts to converse with Eastern countries so that peace and companionship bring the people of the world together, were promising indications of a set-up to constructing a flourishing life, ending wars, preventing the global warming impacts which are destroying nature, put in order a government-sponsored health insurance plan and improving the lives of the peoples around the world.

Most importantly your words on behalf of us, the Iranian People, were truly poignant and heartrending?
President Obama, you strongly condemned the Iranian government’s crackdown on recent protestants, by saying that the United States had been “appalled and outraged by the threats, beatings, and imprisonments of the last few days.” “It was heartbreaking,” you said.
You said, “We have seen courageous women standing up to brutality and threats, and that we have experienced the searing image of a woman bleeding to death on the streets. While this loss is raw and painful, we also know this: those who stand up for justice are always on the right side of history.” And you reiterated this warning that if the Iranian government wanted to earn the respect of the international community, it must respect the Iranian people’s “universal right to assembly and free speech.”
Recently, what I heard from your administration office, notably from the state secretary, Ms. Hillary Clinton, was about no more than USA disquieting on the nuclear weapon program in Iran.I was wondering how you could think of these issues at the time when the people of Iran are doing their best move to change the country that has been always criticized, during last years, by all the western countries as being the core of terrorism in the middle east. The nuclear threat is only a symptom of the actual problem, which is the absence of freedom and democracy in Iran. The problem must be attacked at its core. In helping the Iranian people in their quest towards independence, foreign countries will also ensure their own security.
Besides, how can the USA and some European countries not see that the only actual concern of the Islamic rulers in Iran is to retain not only their power over the people, but also to retain the fanatic patriarchal Islamic rules from 15 centuries ago by which the Islamic government has downtrodden the slightest individual rights? How can you not see that the decisions made in Iran are not the result of the will of the people, but those of a few irresponsible clergies who want the people to follow them as the slaves?

I also noticed that the American media is no longer running the news of the daily persistent street demonstrations in Iran.And now, we hear that USA recognizes Ahmadinejad as the president of Iran. And this comes about at a time when Iranians are screaming in the streets of Iran: Independence, freedom, Republic e Irani.
You are certainly aware of the process of presidential elections in Iran. If you, President Obasma, have struggled many years in US, in order to be elected and yearned to subscribe to the responsibilities a real leader should have, M. Ahmadinejad on the other hand, was already chosen by the supreme leader and approved by the Guardian Council. The four candidates for presidency, too, were selected in advance, based on their devotion to the absolute supervisory of the supreme leader - who himself is selected by the Guardian Council to lead the country - and their vow to the Constitutional laws which are overloaded by Islamic rules. No individual is permitted to represent himself as a candidate. No political party can introduce a candidate. Obviously there would be no place in the government for women, as the president, who are considered half of men in Islam. In Iran two women are required so that their testimony equals that of a man in a court of law. Aren’t you wondering how come, while counting up the presidential votes, the women’s votes are equal with the men’s and their votes are not considered as the half of vote?
When a father dies, the sons receive two times the amount of heritage daughters obtain; If a woman is killed in a car accident, her kids will get half the DIEH, which is the full amount they would receive from their father. And of course the girls yet again will receive half of that already reduced amount; If a woman divorces, it is the man who has the automatic custody of the kids; In Koran the husband is given the right to beat her wife; In Islam men could marry four times and could have many more temporary wives. Recently, the Islamic government has added another advantage to the unjust marriage regulations. Before, when a man decided to remarry, he required the permission of his previous wife. Now the men don’t need this permission any more.
The penalty for adultery in Iran is SANGSAR (lapidation): while the men or women are waist high in a hole, they are stoned to death in a public place. You might also want to know M. Obama, that in prison, raping political prisoners under the pretext that they are God’s opponents is rewarded a seat in heaven.
Mollas (Islamic clergies) not only have the most important positions as political authorities, but they also are, for some uneducated believers in Iran, the mediators between them and God. So, when these people intend to make some crucial decisions in their lives, they give sizeable gifts to Mollas in exchange for prayers to God. One example would be some 300 million dollars given to M. Karoobi, one of the recent presidential candidates.

At the recent presidential elections, Ahmadinejad was announced by khamenei, the Supreme Leader, as the reelected president, even before the votes were counted. So if the people appear in the streets demanding their votes, all Iranians know that it is about much more than a rigged election. Their protest is against a totalitarian autocracy.
Freedom, as it is discussed in Iran’s Constitutional laws, seems at first sight to belong to all the citizens. However, if you read the Articles of the Constitution in its entirety, you will notice that there is always some rigid assertion conditioning the freedom, thus prohibiting any act that could threaten Islamic reign.
The vague statements could be applied to any action, thought, and behaviour and give freedom to the authorities to arrest and execute people for any arbitrary reason.
You can find the autocratic laws, which are inspired by Islam’s patriarchal rules, in every line of our constitution। Our Constitutional laws leave no margins for freedom। We will soon talk about the main topics of Constitution laws on our website: “Iran - Rahyaf/Pathway to Democracy” in order to discuss the major wounds of our country that have their root in the autocratic illegitimate laws

HereI provide you with an example:
Article 4 [Islamic Principle]All civil, penal financial, economic, administrative, cultural, military, political, and other laws and regulations must be based on Islamic criteria. This principle applies absolutely and generally to all articles of the Constitution as well as to all other laws and regulations, and the wise persons of the Guardian Council are judges in this matter.

This article sums it all up. It basically says that all laws must be based on Islamic criteria. It also gives powers to the Guardian Council (Shoraye Negahban) to be the ultimate judges of all laws and regulations.

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  1. As you have yourself written, Iranian people also want independence. President Obama is respecting this independence by not interfering with what is going on in Iran. It is wrong for Iranians to always want the foreign countries to come and rescue them. This time around, our people are doing it themselves. Please let the Americans remain out of our business.

  2. I don’t think at all the author meant in this letter a foreign country should come and rescue us.
    Of course our people should make it by themselves. They don’t need any body including Obama to achieve our tasks.
    The author is talking to a person who has raised the flag of equality and peace in the world. At least this is something the people of the world have imagined of, which could be an illusion. His positive role would have a significant impact on all the countries. The movement in Iran, with particular characteristics is universal and its success would certainly have a universal impact. So according to the fact that the administration of Obama is recognizing someone like Ahmadinejad, at the time Iran is facing the elevation of public intelligence and conscious, this is positive trying:
    1- To give the right information to the world, because most of the people even the politicians and the intellectuals in foreign countries rarely know profoundly the mechanism of the labyrinth in which the Iranians are living in. Robert Gibbs has tried to say that he has made a mistake. It is probably the result of some reactions inside and outside the White House and inside and outside the country. For sure he has obliged to say so. It is not the ultimate position of the White House though, and for sure there is discussion going on amongst them.
    Iran is a complicated country. This is the duty of our intellectuals and all the concerned people to first of all know very well Iran and then inform the others about what is going on.
    This might help the Americans and others to have a relatively more correct vision of how the actual rulers are running the country, the result of which is what we are witnessing in the streets of Iran. This could help the radical people take better point of reference.
    2- This letter is very informative for everyone even for many Iranians especially the ones who believe they would be able to reach the borders of the democracy within the frames of the actual constitution.
